Tired-of not seeing results?
Put down the shop bought creams, masks and regular time consuming facials and try something more effective.
The treatment with us effectively and efficiently gives you your desired results in fewer sessions
compared to other lasers.
For flawless skin from your first session book your free
consultation and patch test today!
Skin Rejuvenation is the treatment of the skin to give maximum collagen boost to smooth the appearance of large pores, sun damage and wrinkles. The heat that is produced from the laser light is attracted to the oxy haemoglobin in the blood. The heat reaction breaks down the melanin and coagulates the blood within the area. This then leaves the body through the lymphatic system leaving the skin with a clearer complexion. The heat that is created within your top layers of skin makes the skin react as if it has had an injury. The blood and collagen rush into this area leaving the skin with a much smoother, fuller complexion whilst dispersing your redness and dark spots.
Does It Hurt?
Although the sensation varies from client to client, the sensation is described as a heat sensation and a few clients have described the sensation as a light to mild sunburn for up to 24 hours after the treatment.
What To Expect
After the treatment you should expect to have mild redness, this will appear initially after the treatment. This is always a good sign as it shows the treatment has worked and sufficient heat has been pushed into the epidermis.
To book your free patch test and consultation
Contact our therapist Emily
or email and enquiries to
book via Booksy - peaches cosmetic lasers or Beauty and the Barista